by Kamil Kuzminski Categories: Portfolio, Releases

Portfolio release 1.1.0

We have just released a new version of the Portfolio tagged 1.1.0. The update adds two new content elements which can be used to display selected portfolio items in the list or reader mode. Continue reading to find out more.

Portfolio preview list

The portfolio preview list content element displays the items manually selected in its settings. It's a great way to reference your portfolio work, e.g., in a news article.

Portfolio preview reader

Similar to its list equivalent, the portfolio preview reader content element displays the selected item just like it would be displayed in the reader frontend module. It may be helpful if you publish your portfolio items inside a news article or on a landing page.

Demo and documentation

You can preview the new feature on our online demo:

  1. Portfolio preview list
  2. Portfolio preview reader

Read more about the new features in the documentation.

How to update my products?

Thanks to the Contao Manager, the update process of our products is super simple. All you need to do is to log in to Contao Manager and update the packages.

Please visit our documentation to read more about updating the products.

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