by Kamil Kuzminski Categories: Portfolio, Releases

Portfolio release 1.2.0

We have just released a new version of the Portfolio tagged 1.2.0. The update adds extra fields for meta data, some new insert tags and a checkbox that will use portfolio external URL as the one for reader.

Extra fields for meta data

Following the Contao SEO standards, it is now possible to override the page title, page description, and a robots-tag value for every portfolio item.

External reader URL

We have added a new checkbox that will allow you to use the provided URL as the reader URL. Shortly said, it will redirect users to an external URL when clicking a portfolio reader link or when visiting a portfolio reader page.

Insert tags

There are a few new insert tags now:

  1. {{vee_portfolio_item_link::ID}} – generates a complete link to the portfolio item with a given ID.
  2. {{vee_portfolio_item_name::ID}} – generates the portfolio item name with a given ID.
  3. {{vee_portfolio_item_url::ID}} – generates the portfolio item URL with a given ID.

How to update my products?

Thanks to the Contao Manager, the update process of our products is super simple. All you need to do is to log in to Contao Manager and update the packages.

Please visit our documentation to read more about updating the products.

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